Map of Camping A.C.A.

Here is the location map of Camping A.C.A..

Where is located Camping A.C.A.?

Camping is located in Santa Rita del Lago, Villa Carlos Paz, Departamento Punilla, Córdoba, Argentina. Camping A.C.A. is located 9 mi from Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales Mario Gulich and 1 mi from Camping Los Pinos. The nearest lake Embalse San Roque is 2 mi away. The nearest beach La Isla is 2 mi away. The nearest museum Museo De Tractores is 2 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Hídrica Natural Saldán Inchín is 11 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo del Parque Luro is 382 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 452 mi away.

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Nearest hospitals