Map of Ilmo Aloísio Blube Aerodrome

Here is the location map of Ilmo Aloísio Blube Aerodrome.

Where is located Ilmo Aloísio Blube Aerodrome?

Airport is located in Região Geográfica Intermediária de Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, South Region, Brazil. Ilmo Aloísio Blube Aerodrome is located 32 mi from UCS - Núcleo de Farroupilha and 55 mi from Camping do Jorge. The nearest lake Lago Fasolo is 25 mi away. The nearest beach IFRS - Campus Caxias do Sul is 35 mi away. The nearest museum Ferraria Marsílio is 22 mi away. The nearest park Parque Natural Municipal João José Theodoro da Costa Neto is 103 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo Belvedere is 150 mi away. The nearest city Nova Roma do Sul is 17 mi away.

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