Map of Vila Weslian Roriz

Here is the location map of Vila Weslian Roriz.

Where is located Vila Weslian Roriz?

City is located in Federal District, Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento do Distrito Federal e Entorno, Central-West Region, Brazil. Vila Weslian Roriz is located 2 mi from Unieuro and 71 mi from poço azul. The nearest lake Lagao is 7 mi away. The nearest beach Prainha do Poção da Ponte is 70 mi away. The nearest museum Beijodromo is 5 mi away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental Cochá e Gibão is 198 mi away. The nearest castle Palacete Matarazzo is 398 mi away. The nearest city Setor Militar Urbano is 4 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals