Peru Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Peru

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Air Mileage Chart of Peru

Distance (miles)
Lima 475 305 413 630 124 534 232 306 611 164 521 555 157 204
Arequipa 475 764 871 882 387 990 694 590 140 322 112 1,008 547 287
Trujillo 305 764 108 499 378 230 73 308 903 469 789 250 228 478
Chiclayo 413 871 108 500 484 121 181 380 1,011 577 892 142 329 584
Iquitos 630 882 499 500 591 519 520 332 1,007 733 839 519 474 654
Huancayo 124 387 378 484 591 603 309 259 527 142 414 622 164 100
Piura 534 990 230 121 519 603 303 473 1,130 698 1,007 21 444 703
Chimbote 232 694 73 181 520 309 303 281 833 395 723 323 171 409
Pucallpa 306 590 308 380 332 259 473 281 725 401 575 486 158 331
Tacna 611 140 903 1,011 1,007 527 1,130 833 725 455 175 1,149 688 427
Ica 164 322 469 577 733 142 698 395 401 455 386 718 288 119
Juliaca 521 112 789 892 839 414 1,007 723 575 175 386 1,025 563 318
Sullana 555 1,008 250 142 519 622 21 323 486 1,149 718 1,025 463 721
Huánuco 157 547 228 329 474 164 444 171 158 688 288 563 463 262
Ayacucho 204 287 478 584 654 100 703 409 331 427 119 318 721 262

Map of Peru with Flight Distances

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Mileage charts of regions in the Peru