Alaska Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Alaska

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Air Mileage Chart of Alaska

Distance (miles)
Eagle River
Anchorage 574 259 589 795 547 398 537 1,194 122 774 721 13 51 118
Juneau 574 626 93 1,262 1,061 966 1,097 1,698 615 230 1,099 564 527 459
Fairbanks 259 626 677 999 442 523 522 1,358 379 854 503 250 283 260
Sitka 589 93 677 1,230 1,101 970 1,123 1,670 613 185 1,163 582 540 481
Unalaska 795 1,262 999 1,230 910 510 736 444 692 1,385 1,240 808 815 896
Kotzebue 547 1,061 442 1,101 910 423 184 1,145 606 1,283 336 549 597 630
Bethel 398 966 523 970 510 423 281 836 359 1,151 738 409 441 516
Nome 537 1,097 522 1,123 736 184 281 961 559 1,307 519 543 588 642
Adak 1,194 1,698 1,358 1,670 444 1,145 836 961 1,105 1,828 1,476 1,207 1,222 1,304
Homer 122 615 379 613 692 606 359 559 1,105 793 818 134 126 205
Ketchikan 774 230 854 185 1,385 1,283 1,151 1,307 1,828 793 1,328 766 724 665
Utqiagvik 721 1,099 503 1,163 1,240 336 738 519 1,476 818 1,328 717 760 757
Eagle River 13 564 250 582 808 549 409 543 1,207 134 766 717 48 107
Whittier 51 527 283 540 815 597 441 588 1,222 126 724 760 48 82
Valdez 118 459 260 481 896 630 516 642 1,304 205 665 757 107 82

Map of Alaska with Flight Distances

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