Georgia Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Georgia

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Air Mileage Chart of Georgia

Distance (miles)
Sandy Springs
Johns Creek
Warner Robins
Atlanta 96 223 59 76 140 62 12 19 22 150 90 23 17 12
Columbus 96 229 139 83 188 40 107 114 117 78 81 119 106 102
Savannah 223 229 185 157 109 239 229 232 224 183 150 229 238 234
Athens 59 139 185 78 88 114 57 56 46 170 93 52 66 65
Macon 76 83 157 78 106 82 86 92 88 93 16 93 93 88
Augusta 140 188 109 88 106 179 142 142 133 182 111 139 152 149
LaGrange 62 40 239 114 82 179 72 78 83 113 88 83 69 65
Sandy Springs 12 107 229 57 86 142 72 7 12 163 101 12 10 8
Roswell 19 114 232 56 92 142 78 7 10 170 106 6 12 13
Johns Creek 22 117 224 46 88 133 83 12 10 168 103 6 21 21
Albany 150 78 183 170 93 182 113 163 170 168 79 172 166 161
Warner Robins 90 81 150 93 16 111 88 101 106 103 79 107 107 102
Alpharetta 23 119 229 52 93 139 83 12 6 6 172 107 18 19
Marietta 17 106 238 66 93 152 69 10 12 21 166 107 18 5
Smyrna 12 102 234 65 88 149 65 8 13 21 161 102 19 5

Map of Georgia with Flight Distances

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