Illinois Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Illinois

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Air Mileage Chart of Illinois

Distance (miles)
La Salle
Aurora 53 21 9 152 99 19 96 38 37 52 50 48 114 22
Rockford 53 73 60 173 112 45 124 73 80 65 65 64 155 54
Joliet 21 73 17 145 98 37 87 41 34 56 54 59 98 35
Naperville 9 60 17 157 106 19 100 30 28 60 58 43 114 18
Springfield 152 173 145 157 62 170 58 186 178 109 110 201 78 175
Peoria 99 112 98 106 62 115 35 135 130 50 51 147 81 121
Elgin 19 45 37 19 170 115 114 30 35 66 64 32 133 10
Bloomington 96 124 87 100 58 35 114 128 121 60 60 144 47 118
Evanston 38 73 41 30 186 135 30 128 12 89 88 24 136 20
Chicago 37 80 34 28 178 130 35 121 12 86 85 35 126 26
Peru 52 65 56 60 109 50 66 60 89 86 2 98 96 73
La Salle 50 65 54 58 110 51 64 60 88 85 2 96 95 71
Waukegan 48 64 59 43 201 147 32 144 24 35 98 96 157 26
Champaign 114 155 98 114 78 81 133 47 136 126 96 95 157 133
Schaumburg 22 54 35 18 175 121 10 118 20 26 73 71 26 133

Map of Illinois with Flight Distances

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