Louisiana Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Louisiana

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Air Mileage Chart of Louisiana

Distance (miles)
New Orleans
Baton Rouge
Lake Charles
Denham Springs
New Iberia
New Orleans 73 281 118 189 170 65 6 11 214 46 105 26 29 234
Baton Rouge 73 210 54 124 97 12 68 63 153 65 50 48 83 168
Shreveport 281 210 190 162 114 217 276 272 96 271 209 258 281 66
Lafayette 118 54 190 71 80 66 113 107 158 89 19 93 134 163
Lake Charles 189 124 162 71 88 136 184 178 170 156 85 164 205 162
Alexandria 170 97 114 80 88 105 164 160 85 157 98 145 173 85
Denham Springs 65 12 217 66 136 105 59 55 156 63 62 40 71 172
Metairie 6 68 276 113 184 164 59 6 209 43 100 21 30 229
Kenner 11 63 272 107 178 160 55 6 206 40 94 15 34 225
Monroe 214 153 96 158 170 85 156 209 206 217 174 194 207 30
Houma 46 65 271 89 156 157 63 43 40 217 71 35 73 232
New Iberia 105 50 209 19 85 98 62 100 94 174 71 80 123 181
Laplace 26 48 258 93 164 145 40 21 15 194 35 80 44 213
Slidell 29 83 281 134 205 173 71 30 34 207 73 123 44 229
Ruston 234 168 66 163 162 85 172 229 225 30 232 181 213 229

Map of Louisiana with Flight Distances

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