Distance between Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre

The distance from Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre is 19 miles by road. Road takes approximately 26 minutes and goes through Tours, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps, Chançay and Reugny.

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Compare this route in other services:
Point Distance Time Fuel
Joué-lès-Tours 0 mi 0:00 00 min 0.0 gal
D 86 2 mi, 04 min
Tours 2 mi 0:04 04 min 0.0 gal
D 86 2 mi, 03 min
Saint-Pierre-des-Corps 5 mi 0:08 08 min 0.1 gal
D 140 D 142 4 mi, 04 min
Conneuil 9 mi 0:12 12 min 0.3 gal
D 142 3 mi, 04 min
Poupine 12 mi 0:17 17 min 0.4 gal
D 46 2 mi, 02 min
Chançay 15 mi 0:20 20 min 0.5 gal
D 46 2 mi, 02 min
Reugny 17 mi 0:23 23 min 0.5 gal
D 46 2 mi, 02 min
Neuillé-le-Lierre 19 mi 0:26 26 min 0.6 gal

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to drive from Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre?

Fuel cost: 2.3 USD

This fuel cost is calculated as: (Route length 19.3 mi) / (Fuel consumption 29.4 mpg) * (Fuel price 3.55 USD / gal)

You can adjust fuel consumption and fuel price here.

How long is a car ride from Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre?

Driving time: 26 min

This time is calculated for driving at the maximum permitted speed, taking into account traffic rules restrictions.

  • 3 mi with a maximum speed 56 mph = 3 min
  • 9 mi with a maximum speed 50 mph = 10 min
  • 3 mi with a maximum speed 43 mph = 4 min
  • 4 mi with a maximum speed 31 mph = 7 min

The calculated driving time does not take into account intermediate stops and traffic jams.

How far is Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre by land?

The distance between Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre is 19.3 mi by road.

Precise satellite coordinates of highways were used for this calculation. The start and finish points are the centers of Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre respectively.

What city is halfway between Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre?

The halfway point between Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre is Conneuil. It is located about 1 mi from the exact midpoint by road.

The distance from Conneuil to Joué-lès-Tours is 9 mi and driving will take about 12 min. The road between Conneuil and Neuillé-le-Lierre has length 11 mi and will take approximately 13 min.

The other cities located close to halfway point:

  • Poupine is in 12 mi from Joué-lès-Tours and 7 mi from Neuillé-le-Lierre

Where is Joué-lès-Tours in relation to Neuillé-le-Lierre?

Joué-lès-Tours is located 16 mi south-west of Neuillé-le-Lierre.

Joué-lès-Tours has geographic coordinates: latitude 47.35109, longitude 0.66225.

Neuillé-le-Lierre has geographic coordinates: latitude 47.51176, longitude 0.90823.

Which highway goes from Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre?

The route from Joué-lès-Tours to Neuillé-le-Lierre follows D 46.

Other minor sections pass along the road:

  • D 142: 3 mi
  • D 140: 2 mi
  • D 86: 1 mi
The distance between Joué-lès-Tours and Neuillé-le-Lierre is ranked 30,464th in the ranking popularity.
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