Map of Corral

Here is the location map of Corral.

Where is located Corral?

Lake is located in Vega de Alatorre, Veracruz, Mexico. Corral is located 37 mi from Dirección General de Investigaciones Universidad Veracruzana and 59 mi from Xanath Parque Ecológico. The nearest lake Santander is 5 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Lechuguillas is 4 mi away. The nearest museum Museo comunitario de historia y etnografía de Almolonga, Naolinco. is 29 mi away. The nearest park cerro del chiquihuite is 170 mi away. The nearest castle Fortaleza de San Carlos de Perote is 52 mi away. The nearest city Misantla is 19 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals