Map of Guaraní International Airport

Here is the location map of Guaraní International Airport.

Where is located Guaraní International Airport?

Airport is located in Minga Guazú, Alto Paraná, Región Oriental. Guaraní International Airport is located 5 mi from Facultad de Ingeniería Agronómica and 12 mi from Maranata. The nearest lake Lago Yrendy is 9 mi away. The nearest beach Prainha Alvorada de Itaipu is 22 mi away. The nearest museum Ecomuseu de Itaipu is 16 mi away. The nearest park Refugio Biológico Tati Yupi is 14 mi away. The nearest castle Castelletto Dal Pozzo is 55 mi away. The nearest city Santa Terezinha de Itaipu is 27 mi away.

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