Map of Laguna del Tule

Here is the location map of Laguna del Tule.

Where is located Laguna del Tule?

Lake is located in Fortín de las Flores, Veracruz, Mexico. Laguna del Tule is located 3 mi from Universidad Veracruzana - Campus Ixtaczoquitlán and 74 mi from Watoosi. The nearest lake Laguna del Porvenir is 6 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Chalchihueca is 53 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Tatsugoro Bonsái Fortín is 4 mi away. The nearest park cerro del chiquihuite is 144 mi away. The nearest castle Fortaleza de San Carlos de Perote is 45 mi away. The nearest city Orizaba is 10 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals