Map of Lulu Ilgenfritz

Here is the location map of Lulu Ilgenfritz.

Where is located Lulu Ilgenfritz?

Region is located in Ijuí, Ijuí, Região Geográfica Imediata de Ijuí, Região Geográfica Intermediária de Ijui, Rio Grande do Sul, South Region, Brazil. Lulu Ilgenfritz is located 1 mi from Campus Ijuí and 50 mi from Balneário Corpo e Alma. The nearest lake Lagoa dos Patos is 46 mi away. The nearest beach Prainha is 106 mi away. The nearest museum Memorial Coluna Prestes is 21 mi away. The nearest park Parque Provincial de la Araucaria is 122 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo Bonotto is 63 mi away. The nearest city Santo Ângelo is 22 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals