Map of Quipapá

Here is the location map of Quipapá.

Where is located Quipapá?

City is located in Quipapá, Mesorregião da Mata Pernambucana, Pernambuco, Northeast Region, Brazil. Quipapá is located 34 mi from UPE - Universidade de Pernambuco and 117 mi from Hospedaria Cida & Chicão (Cama e Café). The nearest lake Rio Mundaú is 47 mi away. The nearest beach Praia de Carro Quebrado is 52 mi away. The nearest museum Casa Museu Graciliano Ramos is 58 mi away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Reserva Ecológica Pico do Jabre is 144 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo Pergentino is 42 mi away. The nearest city Panelas is 11 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals