Map of 12 ce Outubro

Here is the location map of 12 ce Outubro.

Where is located 12 ce Outubro?

City is located in Pará, North Region, Brazil. 12 ce Outubro is located 30 mi from UFRA - Fazenda Escola de Igarapé Açu and 444 mi from CRV - Centro de Recuperação de Vidas. The nearest lake Lago Quente is 12 mi away. The nearest beach Praia de Marudá is 7 mi away. The nearest museum Museu de Zoologia is 73 mi away. The nearest park Réserve Naturelle des marais de Kaw-Roura is 477 mi away. The nearest castle Fortaleza de São José do Macapá is 237 mi away. The nearest city Maracanã is 17 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals