Map of Acambay de Ruíz Castañeda

Here is the location map of Acambay de Ruíz Castañeda.

Where is located Acambay de Ruíz Castañeda?

Region is located in Mexico. Acambay de Ruíz Castañeda is located 12 mi from UAEM Atlacomulco and 78 mi from Campamento conejos. The nearest lake Bordo el Tizar is 25 mi away. The nearest beach JessyDel Lake is 159 mi away. The nearest museum Museo de la Muerte is 29 mi away. The nearest park Rancho los Venados is 42 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo de Chapultepec is 59 mi away. The nearest city Maro is 9 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals