Map of Aeródromo de Sierra Grande

Here is the location map of Aeródromo de Sierra Grande.

Where is located Aeródromo de Sierra Grande?

Airport is located in Sierra Grande, Departamento San Antonio, Río Negro, Argentina. Aeródromo de Sierra Grande is located 83 mi from UTN Facultad Regional Chubut and 16 mi from Camping Unter. The nearest lake Laguna Cacique Chiquichano is 114 mi away. The nearest beach Playa de los Suecos is 17 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Paleontologico Eugidio Feruglio is 114 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Natural La Payunia is 402 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo del Parque Luro is 328 mi away. The nearest city Artigas is 918 mi away.

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