Map of Aeródromo Marte R. Gómez

Here is the location map of Aeródromo Marte R. Gómez.

Where is located Aeródromo Marte R. Gómez?

Airport is located in Mazatán, Chiapas, Mexico. Aeródromo Marte R. Gómez is located 11 mi from Universidad Valle del Grijalva and 60 mi from Campos DIGESA. The nearest lake San Francisco is 15 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Pública La Libertad is 89 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Caracol del Tiempo is 51 mi away. The nearest park Volcán Tacaná is 28 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo El Carmen is 66 mi away. The nearest city Mazatán is 3 mi away.

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