Map of Aeródromo Municipal Tomás B. Kenny

Here is the location map of Aeródromo Municipal Tomás B. Kenny.

Where is located Aeródromo Municipal Tomás B. Kenny?

Airport is located in Municipio de Venado Tuerto, Departamento General López, Santa Fe, Argentina. Aeródromo Municipal Tomás B. Kenny is located 4 mi from UNR and 4 mi from U.O.M. Camping Recreativo José I. Rucci. The nearest lake Laguna de Rúnciman is 19 mi away. The nearest beach Caribe Canalla is 91 mi away. The nearest museum Nuevo Museo Histórico is 68 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Natural de Fauna Laguna La Felipa is 100 mi away. The nearest castle Chateau d'Ivry is 191 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 391 mi away.

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