Map of Aerodromo San Pedro

Here is the location map of Aerodromo San Pedro.

Where is located Aerodromo San Pedro?

Airport is located in Partido de San Pedro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aerodromo San Pedro is located 37 mi from Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Estadísticas UNR and 5 mi from Club de pescadores y náutica de San Pedro. The nearest lake Laguna San Pedro is 4 mi away. The nearest beach Playadita Club Regatas is 39 mi away. The nearest museum ARA Comandante General Irigoyen is 4 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Municipal Islas de Victoria is 64 mi away. The nearest castle Chateau d'Ivry is 76 mi away. The nearest city Artigas is 298 mi away.

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