Map of Aeropuerto de La Plata

Here is the location map of Aeropuerto de La Plata.

Where is located Aeropuerto de La Plata?

Airport is located in Villa Elvira, Partido de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Aeropuerto de La Plata is located 4 mi from Facultad de Trabajo Social and 7 mi from Camping SOSBA. The nearest lake El Fiestero Ganso .R is 26 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Honda is 35 mi away. The nearest museum Museo del Muñeco is 9 mi away. The nearest park Parque Ecológico is 12 mi away. The nearest castle Palacio Kavanagh is 48 mi away. The nearest city Santa Vitória do Palmar is 277 mi away.

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