Map of Caaporã

Here is the location map of Caaporã.

Where is located Caaporã?

City is located in Paraíba, Northeast Region, Brazil. Caaporã is located 24 mi from Universidade Estadual da Paraíba - Campus V and 25 mi from Holanda. The nearest lake Lagoa do Frazão is 7 mi away. The nearest beach Praia de Acau - Pitimbu is 6 mi away. The nearest museum Museu Histórico de Igarassu is 22 mi away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental is 165 mi away. The nearest castle Palácio da Redenção is 27 mi away. The nearest city Alhandra is 6 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals