Map of Carioca

Here is the location map of Carioca.

Where is located Carioca?

Region is located in Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil. Carioca is located 21 mi from Complexo Esportivo da Universidade de Itaúna and 76 mi from Camping Morro de Pedra. The nearest lake Pesque e Pague is 19 mi away. The nearest beach Prainha is 85 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Ferroviário is 34 mi away. The nearest park Monumento Natural Estadual de Itatiaia is 88 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo de Itaipava is 204 mi away. The nearest city Pará de Minas is 9 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals