Map of Centro de Salud “Doctor Enrique Claveaux”

Here is the location map of Centro de Salud “Doctor Enrique Claveaux”.

Where is located Centro de Salud “Doctor Enrique Claveaux”?

Hospital is located in Montevideo, Montevideo. Centro de Salud “Doctor Enrique Claveaux” is located 1 mi from Instituto Tecnológico Superior and 19 mi from Campamento Infantil. The nearest lake Laguna del medio is 53 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Ramírez is 3 mi away. The nearest museum Casa de Carlos Vaz Ferreira is 1 mi away. The nearest park Reserva de Biosfera Parque Costero del Sur is 70 mi away. The nearest castle Fortaleza General Artigas is 5 mi away. The nearest city Santa Vitória do Palmar is 185 mi away.

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