Map of Centro de Salud Peñuelas

Here is the location map of Centro de Salud Peñuelas.

Where is located Centro de Salud Peñuelas?

Hospital is located in Delegación Epigmenio González, Querétaro, Querétaro, Municipio de Querétaro, Querétaro, Mexico. Centro de Salud Peñuelas is located 1 mi from Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro and 114 mi from Campamento conejos. The nearest lake ZONA DE LAGO is 1 mi away. The nearest beach JessyDel Lake is 157 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Regional de Querétaro is 4 mi away. The nearest park Bordo Benito Juárez is 2 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo de Chapultepec is 116 mi away. The nearest city Querétaro is 4 mi away.

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Nearest hospitals