Map of CESFAM Nº 4

Here is the location map of CESFAM Nº 4.

Where is located CESFAM Nº 4?

Hospital is located in Rancagua, Provincia de Cachapoal, Región del Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, Chile. CESFAM Nº 4 is located 1 mi from University of O'Higgins and 19 mi from Campamento Tricague. The nearest lake Laguna del Parque Catalunya is 1 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Negra is 60 mi away. The nearest museum Iglesia y Museo Patrimonial de la Merced is 1 mi away. The nearest park Santuario de la Naturaleza Alto Huemul is 52 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Butrón is 1 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 853 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals