Map of Essalud calca

Here is the location map of Essalud calca.

Where is located Essalud calca?

Hospital is located in Calca, Calca, Cusco, Peru. Essalud calca is located 1 mi from I.S.T. Clorinda Mato de Turner and 11 mi from Kausay Punku Informal Campsite. The nearest lake Sapacto is 8 mi away. The nearest beach Chifron is 215 mi away. The nearest museum Museum of Religious Art is 13 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca is 198 mi away. The nearest castle Sacsayhuaman is 13 mi away. The nearest city Xapuri is 298 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals