Map of Floresta

Here is the location map of Floresta.

Where is located Floresta?

City is located in Floresta, Floresta, Microrregião de Itaparica, Mesorregião do São Francisco Pernambucano, Pernambuco, Northeast Region, Brazil. Floresta is located 1 mi from IF Sertão-PE and 170 mi from Camping. The nearest lake Rio Moxotó is 56 mi away. The nearest beach Praia do Toco (Prainha) is 36 mi away. The nearest museum Fundação Casa da Cultura de Serra Talhada is 46 mi away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Reserva Ecológica Pico do Jabre is 124 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo de João Timóteo is 62 mi away. The nearest city Carnaubeira da Penha is 23 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals