Map of Fraccionamiento Palos Verdes

Here is the location map of Fraccionamiento Palos Verdes.

Where is located Fraccionamiento Palos Verdes?

City is located in Mexico. Fraccionamiento Palos Verdes is located 106 mi from Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Veterinarias UABC and 127 mi from Squaw Lake Campground. The nearest lake Lado Bahavia is 98 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Las Almejas is 2 mi away. The nearest museum Museo del Sur de La Frontera is 81 mi away. The nearest park Muggins Mountain Wilderness Area is 120 mi away. The nearest castle Tovrea Castle is 236 mi away. The nearest city San Felipe is 7 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals