Map of Hospital e Maternidade de Morretes

Here is the location map of Hospital e Maternidade de Morretes.

Where is located Hospital e Maternidade de Morretes?

Hospital is located in Morretes, Microrregião de Paranaguá, Mesorregião Metropolitana de Curitiba, Paraná, South Region, Brazil. Hospital e Maternidade de Morretes is located 24 mi from Fazenda Universidade Tuiuti and 33 mi from Assosiação da Vila Militar. The nearest lake Lago Alphaville is 22 mi away. The nearest beach Prainha da Ponta do Uvá is 26 mi away. The nearest museum Atílio Rocco is 24 mi away. The nearest park Parque Iguaçu is 23 mi away. The nearest castle Palácio Mathias Böhn is 21 mi away. The nearest city Morretes is 0 mi away.

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