Map of Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico "Dr. Luis Ellerman"

Here is the location map of Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico "Dr. Luis Ellerman".

Where is located Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico "Dr. Luis Ellerman"?

Hospital is located in Rosario del Tala, Distrito Pueblo Segundo, Departamento Tala, Entre Ríos, Argentina. Hospital Neuropsiquiatrico "Dr. Luis Ellerman" is located 55 mi from UTN - Facultad Regional C. del Uruguay and 16 mi from Camping municipal. The nearest lake Laguna de los Patos is 63 mi away. The nearest beach Los Pinos is 55 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Municipal "Rosario del Tala" is 1 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Municipal Islas de Victoria is 78 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo de San Carlos is 93 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 211 mi away.

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