Map of Hospital Zonal del Norte Grande

Here is the location map of Hospital Zonal del Norte Grande.

Where is located Hospital Zonal del Norte Grande?

Hospital is located in Departamento Copo, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Hospital Zonal del Norte Grande is located 162 mi from Universidad Católica de Santiago del Estero and 114 mi from Camping Municipal. The nearest lake Laguna El Pelicano is 145 mi away. The nearest beach Club Saenz Peña- Playa is 160 mi away. The nearest museum Posta de Yatasto is 133 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita is 319 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo de San Carlos is 483 mi away. The nearest city Puerto Carmelo Peralta is 423 mi away.

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