Map of Jardim Ebenezer

Here is the location map of Jardim Ebenezer.

Where is located Jardim Ebenezer?

Region is located in Rondonópolis, Microrregião de Rondonópolis, Mesorregião Sudeste Mato-Grossense, Mato Grosso, Central-West Region, Brazil. Jardim Ebenezer is located 1 mi from UNIC - Campus Ary Coelho and 181 mi from Portal do Roncador. The nearest lake Lago Municipal Vô Pedro is 66 mi away. The nearest beach Praia do Bosque is 158 mi away. The nearest museum Museu de Geologia is 111 mi away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Gruta da Lagoa Azul is 162 mi away. The nearest castle Forte Coimbra is 317 mi away. The nearest city Anézio Pereira de Oliveira is 3 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals