Map of La playita

Here is the location map of La playita.

Where is located La playita?

Beach is located in Distrito Industrial, Departamento Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. La playita is located 8 mi from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo - Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias and 4 mi from Camping Sindicato de Petróleo y Gas. The nearest lake Laguna Espejo is 57 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Luján is 1 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes "Emiliano Guiñazú" is 8 mi away. The nearest park Parque Andino Juncal is 62 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Butrón is 126 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 736 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals