Map of Laguna de Zapotlán

Here is the location map of Laguna de Zapotlán.

Where is located Laguna de Zapotlán?

Lake is located in Jalisco, Mexico. Laguna de Zapotlán is located 4 mi from Centro Regional de Educación Normal and 87 mi from Camping Laguna del Tule. The nearest lake Vista Hermosa is 10 mi away. The nearest beach Playa de la Audiencia is 72 mi away. The nearest museum Museo de Arte Sacro de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe is 12 mi away. The nearest park Volcán Nevado de Colima is 17 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Ortega Douglas is 166 mi away. The nearest city Ciudad Guzmán is 4 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals