Map of Laguna El Barreal (norte)

Here is the location map of Laguna El Barreal (norte).

Where is located Laguna El Barreal (norte)?

Lake is located in Chihuahua, Mexico. Laguna El Barreal (norte) is located 38 mi from División Multidiciplinaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez En Ciudad Universitaria and 37 mi from Campamento del mirador. The nearest lake Laguna Santa Maria is 21 mi away. The nearest beach La Manga is 335 mi away. The nearest museum Espacio Interactivo La Rodadora is 47 mi away. The nearest park Mount Riley Wilderness Study Area is 54 mi away. The nearest castle Tovrea Castle is 336 mi away. The nearest city Tesoro Escondido is 39 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals