Map of Olivedos

Here is the location map of Olivedos.

Where is located Olivedos?

Region is located in Olivedos, Paraíba, Northeast Region, Brazil. Olivedos is located 28 mi from UFCG - Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde and 98 mi from Camping das Mangueiras. The nearest lake Açude Campo de Boi is 29 mi away. The nearest beach Praia do Giz Branco is 91 mi away. The nearest museum Museu de Artes Assis Chateaubriand is 30 mi away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental is 70 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo de Bivar is 36 mi away. The nearest city Soledade is 10 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals