Map of Pio XII

Here is the location map of Pio XII.

Where is located Pio XII?

City is located in Pio XII, Microrregião do Médio Mearim, Mesorregião Centro Maranhense, Maranhão, Northeast Region, Brazil. Pio XII is located 21 mi from UEMA and 217 mi from Iate Clube. The nearest lake Lago do Remanso is 14 mi away. The nearest beach Beira-Rio is 23 mi away. The nearest museum Museu do Parque Ambiental is 163 mi away. The nearest park Área de Proteção Ambiental Jalapão is 460 mi away. The nearest castle Colegio das irmães is 310 mi away. The nearest city Vitorino Freire is 11 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals