Map of Posta de salud Cachapoal

Here is the location map of Posta de salud Cachapoal.

Where is located Posta de salud Cachapoal?

Hospital is located in San Carlos, Provincia de Punilla, Región de Ñuble, Chile. Posta de salud Cachapoal is located 19 mi from Universidad Adventista de Chile and 24 mi from Los Hualles. The nearest lake Laguna El Valiente is 12 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Municipal is 45 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Internacional de la Gráfica is 23 mi away. The nearest park Parque Natural Tricahue is 66 mi away. The nearest castle Fuerte Santa Juana de Guadalcazar is 83 mi away. The nearest city Tabajara Brites is 962 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals