Map of Praia da Venda

Here is the location map of Praia da Venda.

Where is located Praia da Venda?

Beach is located in Paraty, Microrregião Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Southeast Region, Brazil. Praia da Venda is located 48 mi from Faculdade Canção Nova and 8 mi from Portal de Paraty. The nearest lake Lagoa do Sul is 20 mi away. The nearest beach Praia Deserta is 1 mi away. The nearest museum Museu Forte Defensor Perpétuo is 7 mi away. The nearest park Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Cunha is 27 mi away. The nearest castle Palacete do Parque Lage is 90 mi away. The nearest city Laranjeiras is 8 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals