Map of Praia de Itapuã

Here is the location map of Praia de Itapuã.

Where is located Praia de Itapuã?

Beach is located in Itapuã, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Praia de Itapuã is located 1 mi from Universidade Vila Velha and 15 mi from Colônia de Férias Presidente Paulo Pinto. The nearest lake Lago das tartarugas is 6 mi away. The nearest beach Praia da Costa is 1 mi away. The nearest museum Casa da Memória de Vila Velha is 2 mi away. The nearest park Ilha das Andorinhas is 127 mi away. The nearest castle Portal is 61 mi away. The nearest city Terminal Intermodal da Serra is 11 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals