Map of Presidente Epitácio Airport

Here is the location map of Presidente Epitácio Airport.

Where is located Presidente Epitácio Airport?

Airport is located in Presidente Epitácio, Presidente Epitácio, Região Imediata de Presidente Epitácio-Presidente Venceslau, Região Intermediária de Presidente Prudente, Mato Grosso do Sul, Central-West Region, Brazil. Presidente Epitácio Airport is located 2 mi from Instituto Federal do Estado de São Paulo and 34 mi from Balneário Municipal Frederico Platzeck. The nearest lake Cascalheira is 77 mi away. The nearest beach Balneário Municipal Frederico Platzeck is 34 mi away. The nearest museum Casa do Dr. Álvaro Coelho is 20 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Ecológica Edgard Gonçalves is 168 mi away. The nearest castle Homenagem aos imigrantes Japoneses is 91 mi away. The nearest city Bataguassu is 18 mi away.

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