Map of San Javier Airport

Here is the location map of San Javier Airport.

Where is located San Javier Airport?

Airport is located in Municipio San Javier, Provincia Ñuflo de Chávez, Santa Cruz. San Javier Airport is located 100 mi from Facultad Integral Chiquitana and 114 mi from La Carcel. The nearest lake Laguna Monte Duro is 31 mi away. The nearest beach Praia do Julião is 316 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Histórico Militar Héroes de la Guerra del Chaco is 115 mi away. The nearest park Reserva Nacional de Vida Silvestre Ríos Blanco y Negro is 113 mi away. The nearest castle Forte Príncipe da Beira is 296 mi away. The nearest city Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade is 189 mi away.

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