Map of Taboão

Here is the location map of Taboão.

Where is located Taboão?

City is located in Microrregião São Lourenço, Mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste de Minas, Minas Gerais, Southeast Region, Brazil. Taboão is located 12 mi from Faculdade São Lourenço and 38 mi from Rancho Caído. The nearest lake Lago is 12 mi away. The nearest beach Praia Iririguaçu is 80 mi away. The nearest museum Casa da Cultura is 24 mi away. The nearest park Parque Municipal da Sucupira is 68 mi away. The nearest castle Castelo das Crianças is 117 mi away. The nearest city Vale Formoso is 6 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals