Map of Tepetitla

Here is the location map of Tepetitla.

Where is located Tepetitla?

Region is located in Mexico. Tepetitla is located 7 mi from Escuela Normal Escolar Profra. Francisca Madera Martínez and 27 mi from Watoosi. The nearest lake Ojo de Agua is 5 mi away. The nearest beach Playa Maracaibo is 124 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Vivo de la Casa de las Artesanías de Tlaxcala is 9 mi away. The nearest park cerro del chiquihuite is 53 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo del Ogro is 38 mi away. The nearest city Santa María Moyotzingo is 2 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals