Map of Tres Pozos

Here is the location map of Tres Pozos.

Where is located Tres Pozos?

Region is located in Municipio de El Sauzalito, Departamento General Güemes, Chaco, Argentina. Tres Pozos is located 173 mi from Universidad Nacional de Salta and 159 mi from Camping Municipal. The nearest lake Laguna El Pelicano is 28 mi away. The nearest beach Club Saenz Peña- Playa is 137 mi away. The nearest museum Museo histórico is 160 mi away. The nearest park Parque Nacional Defensores del Chaco is 303 mi away. The nearest castle Forte Coimbra is 401 mi away. The nearest city Puerto Carmelo Peralta is 313 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals