Map of U.M.F. 49 IMSS

Here is the location map of U.M.F. 49 IMSS.

Where is located U.M.F. 49 IMSS?

Hospital is located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. U.M.F. 49 IMSS is located 1 mi from Escuela Preparatoria 12 and 134 mi from Camping Laguna del Tule. The nearest lake El Dean is 2 mi away. The nearest beach Playa de la Audiencia is 126 mi away. The nearest museum Museo del Ejercito y Fuerza Aerea Méxicana (Cuartel Colorado) is 1 mi away. The nearest park Volcán Nevado de Colima is 80 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Ortega Douglas is 108 mi away. The nearest city Guadalajara is 1 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals