Map of UNIVA La Piedad

Here is the location map of UNIVA La Piedad.

Where is located UNIVA La Piedad?

University is located in La Piedad, Michoacán, Mexico. UNIVA La Piedad is located 1 mi from El Colegio de Michoacán Sede La Piedad and 190 mi from Camping Laguna del Tule. The nearest lake Presa del Saus is 25 mi away. The nearest beach JessyDel Lake is 92 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Hidalgo is 34 mi away. The nearest park Humedales del lago de Pátzcuaro is 60 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Ortega Douglas is 107 mi away. The nearest city Yurécuaro is 16 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals