Map of Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes

Here is the location map of Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes.

Where is located Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes?

University is located in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico. Universidad Tecnológica de Aguascalientes is located 1 mi from Universidad del Valle de Mexico-Campus Aguascalientes and 190 mi from Los Cocos RV Park. The nearest lake Lago de la Isla San Marcos is 2 mi away. The nearest beach JessyDel Lake is 195 mi away. The nearest museum Museo Interactivo de Ciencia y Tecnología Descubre is 4 mi away. The nearest park Bordo Benito Juárez is 152 mi away. The nearest castle Castillo Ortega Douglas is 5 mi away. The nearest city Lomas del Picacho is 4 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals