Map of Praia das Castanheiras

Here is the location map of Praia das Castanheiras.

Where is located Praia das Castanheiras?

Beach is located in Anchieta, Microrregião Guarapari, Mesorregião Central Espírito-Santense, Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Praia das Castanheiras is located 14 mi from Faculdade Pitágoras de Guarapari and 16 mi from Centro Adventista de Treinamento e Recreação do Espírito Santo. The nearest lake Lagoa do Ubu is 4 mi away. The nearest beach Praia dos Coqueiros is 1 mi away. The nearest museum Casa da Cultura is 1 mi away. The nearest park Monumento Natural Estadual Pico do Ibituruna is 156 mi away. The nearest castle Portal is 51 mi away. The nearest city Porto Grande is 7 mi away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals